Welcome to Your Pet Decisions

Susan_w_pupDr. Susan’s Solutions That Help You and Your Veterinarian with Pet Problems

Get the benefit of Dr. Susan P. Cohen’s 33 years experience as a social worker who specializes in the special relationship between people and pets. If you are a pet lover, she helps you understand and attend to your pet’s needs. She knows your pets are members of your family. She simplifies your problems and helps you find solutions that work for your particular needs.

If you are a veterinary or human health professional. Dr. Susan teaches online courses, lectures and consults so that important issues are addressed effectively.

Stressed? Having problems at work? She facilitates on online support group for veterinarians. Want to find out how human-animal interaction can help your career? As the chairperson of SWAHAB (Social Workers Advancing the Human-Animal bond) she helps guide professionals in an experienced and compassionate way.

Dr. Susan, an innovator and a pioneer of the human-animal interaction movement, is always interested in sharing her experiences with you or your group, to address your questions, and to discuss the needs of your pet.

One thought on “Welcome to Your Pet Decisions

  1. Vernon Gordon

    Hey Susan, just listened to your interview with Christina. Enjoyed very much. I’ve seen a change in the attitude of vet’s over the years. They seem to be more compassionate and caring than ever before. Not that in the past, they were non caring. It just seems like now, they see our little ones as we do, family members. Appreciate the work that you are doing. I can see the need for having that third person to be in the room. It can be a very difficult time for an individual or family. A third party supporter would be very helpful in presenting all options. Without that supporter being there, the heart may lead one to an unwise decission. Best regards and I’ll see you on FB, Vernie


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